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What makes us different
Work with the champions!
Working with Ennerdale means working with quality stock
At the Ennerdale Fold of Scottish Highland Cattle, we aim to provide premium quality Highland Beef for the butcher and elite Highland seed genetics for the stud owner.
Our Mission
We established the Ennerdale Fold in 2001 after a period of three years intensive research to find and source Highland females with the best genetics in Australia while identifying suitable Sires with the best genetics throughout the world.
We aim to provide premium quality Highland Beef for the butcher and elite Highland seed genetics for the stud owner. We also promote the qualities of the Highland breed in Australia.
Championing superior characteristics of quality stock
From the beginning, we have ensured Ennerdale have been breeding Highland Cattle who are superior in three important areas:
- Temperament
- Structure
- Muscling
In particular, the females which we selected were of an elite quality, with large eye muscles and high meat-to-fat-to-bone ratios. We established the male genetics through an Artificial Insemination (A.I.) program to ensure premium quality, fault-free bloodlines.
We found that the best of the A.I. Sires originated from overseas. Through continuing research, we then assessed the candidate bulls' parents and offspring.
From our research, we were able to establish the highest quality of temperament, structure, muscling, and execute exclusion of crop ear in the A.I. Sires that we eventually selected.
At Ennerdale, we select each sire for a specific purpose and match that sire to an individual female to ensure we produce elite offspring. If we have not used a particular A.I. Sire in the Ennerdale breeding program, there is a very good reason.
We rigorously assess our young Highland Cattle throughout the first 18 months, with the elite animals joining the breeding program in time. We transfer any animal that does not make the High standard set to the premium Highland Beef program. The premium beef commands a premium price at a Sydney metropolitan boutique butchery chain.
The Ennerdale name means quality, consequently, we keep only very small numbers of bulls – each bull has a specific purpose and must be the best example to promote the Highland Breed and the Ennerdale Fold. In the 14th year history of the Ennerdale Fold, we have kept a total of six Highland Bulls which were assessed as having the premium quality required to carry the Ennerdale name forward.
This rigorous selection process means “if you have the genetics of an Ennerdale Bull, a guarantee of the highest quality is assured.”
The provenance of stud and premium beef cattle is an important issue, and all Ennerdale calves are DNA tested after birth to guarantee their parentage and provenance.
We have registered a small number of Ennerdale Highland Cattle in both the United Kingdom and Australian herd book, which means the progeny of UK registered Ennerdale stock are eligible for registration in the UKHCS herd book when sired by a UK recognised Sires, such as Ceallach of Ennerdale and Aodhair of Ennerdale, or an approved UKHCS A.I. bull.
The Ennerdale fold is small compared to other Scottish Highland Folds in Australia and around the world. Our emphasis is strongly “Quality not quantity” with our desire to breed the very best of the Highland Breed in Australia.
We have achieved unrivalled successes in the show ring over a ten year period, this means all the Ennerdale Breeding stock are champions in their own right. These include Royal Show Supreme Exhibits, Senior and Junior Champions and Two National Show Supreme Exhibits, all from a small breeding herd of currently around 15 high quality females and two outstanding stock bulls.
Why choose our cattle?
"We are so happy to introduce some wonderful Ennerdale heifers to our fold. Their confirmation and temperament make them a pleasure to see and interact with on our farm. Ennerdale are professional, knowledgeable and passionate breeders of quality highland cattle."
Jacqui Hartzenberg
Ennerdale Cattle Buyer
If you are looking for cattle with the following qualities:
You need to look no further than Ennerdale Highland Cattle.
Rounding up our cattle is effortless!
The Highland Cattles' quiet nature, intelligence and understanding means we don't need to use dogs to round them up.
Our cattle know they will get a treat when they get to the yards, so rounding them up is never a problem. Some are rushing compared to the others that are not so greedy!
One red heifer is startled by the camera but check out the inquisitive cow at the end!
We don't just promise, we perform!
Ennerdale showed cattle during the years 2003 -2013. Starting at our local country show working our way up to the National Level.
In 2018 and 2019 we ventured out again and attended the Australian National Highland Show and were awarded the most successful exhibitor two years running.
We are staying home now and spending more time in the paddock than the show ring, but whenever time permits and it is possible we try to attend local shows to help support the Highland breed.
All Ennerdale Cattle in the Parade of Champions Royal Canebrra Show 2011
Working with Ennerdale is working with the champions
"Un-beat-a-bull", Champion Bull
Placed third out of 27 in the interbreed competition
Other Achievements
On the show circuit as a Senior Highland Bull for three consecutive years, in four states of Australia.
Ceallach has a quiet and gentle nature. This one tonne giant has passed on this same quiet demeanour to his offspring, in addition to correct structure, good muscling, frame size and breed character.
What judges say about Ceallach
The best Highland Bull I have ever seen in Australia
You could put any skin on this bull, and he would be a champion
I was gobsmacked when this bull walked in the ring
Supreme Exhibit & Veteran Champion Female
Seonaid won AHCS National Supreme Exhibit in 2006 and has since returned to the show ring as a veteran to win Grand and Senior Champion Female at the following shows:
Seonaid of Ennerdale Champion Highland Cow
Seonaid of Ennerdale is registered in the UK and Australian Herd Books
Package of Show Winners
2011 AHCS National Show Winners
An outstanding attendance recorded for the AHCS with 12 breeders attending, travelling from as far South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales. One of the largest gatherings of Highland Cattle in Australia for many years.
Ennerdale won the following:
More Achievements
Champion Highland Cattle Stud achievements by composing 'SHOW PACKAGES' OF WINNERS from the last four shows we were able to attend.
This unparalleled success has been the result of many years of selecting only the elite genetics for our breeding programme and breeding from only the best cows and carefully selecting the right sire for each dam.
Grand & Senior Champion Bull - Baidhel of Ennerdale
Junior Champion Bull - Aodhair of Ennerdale
Reserve Junior Champion Bull - Sterling of Omaroo (Sire & Dam Bred by Ennerdale)
Reserve Senior Champion Female - Seonaid Dubh of Ennerdale
Reserve Junior Champion Female - Brighde 3rd of Ennerdale
1st Breeders Group
1st Sire’s / Dam’s Progeny Group
2013 Royal Canberra Show
Supreme Highland Exhibit, Grand & Senior Champion Bull - Ceallach of Ennerdale
Junior Champion Bull - Baidhel of Ennerdale
Senior Champion Female - Catherine 3rd of Ennerdale
Junior Champion Female - Seonaid Ruadh of Ennerdale
2012 Royal Bathurst Show
Supreme Highland Exhibit, Grand & Senior Champion Bull - Ceallach of Ennerdale
Junior Champion Bull - Baidhel of Ennerdale
Junior Reserve Champion Bull - Ruairidh of Ennerdale
Senior Champion Female - Isabella of Ennerdale
Senior Reserve Champion Female - Bonnie 3rd of Ennerdale
Reserve Junior Champion Female - Isabella 3rd of Ennerdale
1st Breeders Group
Most Successful Exhibitor
2012 Royal Canberra Show Scottish Feature Breed
Breed of the Show - Ceallach of Ennerdale & Bonnie 3rd of Ennerdale
2012 Yass Show
Supreme Highland Exhibit, Grand & Senior Champion Bull - Ceallach of Ennerdale
Grand & Senior Champion Female - Seonaid Of Ennerdale
Reserve Junior Champion Female - Isabella 3rd of Ennerdale
Reserve Senior Champion Female - Isabella of Ennerdale
1st Breeders Group
1st Sire’s / Dam’s Progeny Group
1st Pair of Females
Champion Led Steer
Most Successful Exhibitor
2012 Royal Canberra Show Scottish Feature Breed
Supreme Highland Exhibit, Grand & Senior Champion Bull - Ceallach of Ennerdale
Grand & Senior Champion Female - Seonaid Of Ennerdale
Reserve Senior Champion Female - Bonnie 2nd of Ennerdale
Junior Champion Female - Bonnie 3rd of Ennerdale
2011 Royal Bathurst Show
Supreme Highland Exhibit, Grand & Senior Champion Bull - Ceallach of Ennerdale
Ceallach also placed 3rd out of 27 in the Senior Bull Interbreed
Grand & Senior Champion Female - Seonaid Of Ennerdale
Reserve Senior Champion Female - Bonnie 2nd of Ennerdale
Junior Champion Female - Bonnie 3rd of Ennerdale
Reserve Junior Champion Female - Catherine 3rd of Ennerdale
1st Breeders Group
1st Sire’s / Dam’s Progeny Group
Most Successful Exhibitor
2011 Royal Canberra Show
Supreme Highland Exhibit, Grand & Senior Champion Bull - Ceallach of Ennerdale
2011 Royal Adelaide Show
Senior Champion Bull - Ceallach of Ennerdale
2011 Royal Melbourne Show
Junior Champion -All other breeds class - Bonnie 3rd of Ennerdale
2011 Hawkesbury Show
Bull of the Show - Ceallach of Ennerdale
2010 Cowra Show
Supreme Highland Exhibit, Grand & Senior Champion Bull - Ceallach of Ennerdale
Grand & Senior Champion Female - Seonaid of Ennerdale
Reserve Senior Champion Female - Adelaide 5th of Durness
Junior Champion Bull - Ahmed of Ennerdale
Junior Champion Female - Catherine 3rd of Ennerdale
Most Successful Exhibitor
2010 NSW Winter Highland Cattle Show
Supreme Highland Exhibit, Grand & Senior Champion Bull - Ceallach of Ennerdale
2010 Royal Bathurst Show
Our cattle do not only perform on the paddock, but also on the plate and in the ring. When you work with Ennerdale, you will not just be working with quality cattle, but also be working with the champions!
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